Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a non-means tested benefit for people aged between 16 and state pension age who have a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability, which means they have difficulties with some everyday tasks or getting around.

PIP helps with some of the extra costs that disabled people may face day-to-day, to help them lead full, active and independent lives. There are two parts to PIP:

  • a daily living part if you need help with everyday tasks
  • a mobility part if you need help with getting around

Most people will need to have an assessment. This may be done face-to-face at one of our assessment centres, over the telephone or by a video call. The remainder of assessments will be completed using the information in your application and any supporting information you have sent to DWP.

There are lots of free, independent advice organisations that can help and support you with your PIP claim. Find an organisation in your area.

PIP assessments are not medical, the health professional will not diagnose your condition or recommend treatment. It is an assessment to understand how your health condition or disability affects you.

Getting started

If you decide that PIP is right for you, the first step is to get in touch with DWP. For more information, select the 'Start your claim' button below, or call the PIP new claims line on 0800 917 2222.

You will be sent a form in the post called 'How your disability affects you', along with an information booklet to help you complete it. You will need to return the form and any supporting information within a month. Supporting information can help our health professionals to understand how your health condition or disability affects you.

Supporting information can include:

  • repeat prescription lists
  • carer's diary or letter
  • recent reports or treatment plans from
    • GPs or consultants
    • district nurses
    • occupational therapists
    • physiotherapists
    • social workers
    • learning disability support teams
    • family members who provide support or care 

Watch this DWP Video on YouTube ‘PIP – An overview’

Watch this DWP video on YouTube on how you can claim

Your assessment

We always aim to carry out a professional assessment, making it clear what you can expect from us and what you need to do in return. We will do our best to make our service easy to use, we will listen to you and make sure you feel comfortable.

Key things to remember:

  1. The Capita health professional assessing you does not decide whether you will get PIP. This is done by DWP using your assessment report and any other evidence you have supplied.
  1. PIP is a non-means tested benefit, meaning you can make a claim whether you are in or out of work.
  1. We know that for some this can be a stressful process and we encourage you to bring someone along with you to the assessment.
  1. Assessments usually take around an hour. If you need a break at any point, please let the health professional know.
  1. If your appointment is face-to-face or over the telephone, you can ask to have your assessment recorded.
  1. If you are not happy with DWP’s decision, you can ask for them to relook at your case. Visit GOV.UK ( for more information on Mandatory Reconsiderations. 

*[DWP]: Department for Work and Pensions

*[PIP]: Personal Independence Payment

Health Assessment Advisory Service provided on behalf of Department for Work and Pensions